THE THREE STEPS OF LABELING 1. From the Templates menu, choose the type of label you want to print; mailing, VCR, disk, etc. 2. Enter the information you want printed from the keyboard or load it from a file. 3. Choose 'Print' from the File menu LET'S PRINT A LABEL! Step 1. Select a Template Begin by selecting a Label Template from the .i.Templates menu;. To do this, go to the Templates menu and select "Label Templates." The Label Templates sub-menu contains a list of all the templates in the current templates file. Select the template you want with the mouse. (Each Templates file that came with FastLabel 3.0 contains a template called "Sample." Choose "Sample" now.) The heading of the Label Display window should now read "Sample." Note: Templates files are very dynamic and subject to change without notice, if the "Sample" template does not appear in the menu, you may select any other template. Note: The LW prefix stands for LaserWriter. Give yourself a gold star if you guessed that IW stands for ImageWriter, and DW for DeskWriter! Step 2. Entering Data You are now ready to add an address to your label. You should see a flashing insertion point in the Label Display window. (Note: If you do not see the insertion point, select the Address Object with the mouse until it turns black: black objects are on and you should see the insertion point in the Address object after turning it on. Begin by typing your name. Now press the return key and type the rest of your address. The Sample template has been set up to make the first line of text bold and the remaining lines of the Address plain text. You can change these characteristics using the items in the Text menu just as you would in a word processor. See "Designing a Label" in your manual for more information. You will also notice that the information you have typed on the screen now appears in the List window. What you can do next is what makes FastLabel faster and easier to use than any other labeling program: By going to the Edit menu and choosing "New Entry" you can enter another address. You may do this as many times as you like. There is no need to create tricky merge files or specially formatted entries that conform to internal databases in FastLabel: all you have to do is type! Step 3. Printing Your Label You are now ready to print the labels you just created. Go to the File menu and select "Print All." The "Copies" screen appears and asks you how many copies of each label you want to print. The selection automatically defaults to one copy of each label. Click the "Print" button or press Return. If you are printing to a LaserWriter or other printer that prints sheets of labels as opposed to individual labels like the ImageWriter, you will now see a screen that will let you tell FastLabel where to start printing. Use the mouse and click in the label where you want FastLabel to start printing. Click the "Print" button. (Note: double-clicking in a label will automatically select the "Print" button for you and proceed to the next screen.) A print screen will now appear. Click the "OK" button or press the return key to print your label. You can learn more about printing options in CHAPTER EIGHT -- PRINTING REFERENCE. Summary: The Three Steps of Labeling 1. Choose the type of label you want to print from the Templates menu, 2. Enter your addresses from the keyboard, using the Edit menu's "New Entry" for each new address you want to enter, 3. Choose "Print All" to print your labels! Happy Labeling!